clear photopolymer stamps
large jellyfish 10cm x 5cm
small jellyfish 4cm x 4cm
weed 5.75cm x 3.25cm
fish 6cm x 1.5cm
bubbles 2.5cm x 1cm
dare to swim quote 8.5cm x 2cm
clear photopolymer stamps
large light bulb 9.5cm x 5.5cm
small light bulb 5.75cm x 3.5cm
shine bright 5cm x 3.5cm
shine 4.25cm x 2.25cm
dim your light quote 5.75cm x 3.5cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Large inky flower 7cm x 6cm
Script flower 4.5cm x 4.5cm
Outline flower 4cm x 4cm
Stem – 9cm x 1cm
Imperfection is Beauty sentiment – 8cm x 3cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Choose happiness 7.5cm x 5cm Today is 4.5cm x 5cm You Inspire me 6cm x 4.5cm Positive smiley face 3.5cm x 3.5cm Negative smiley face 3.5cm x 3.5cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Large tree 8.5cm x 6cm Medium tree 4cm x 3cm Small tree 2.5cm x 1.75cm Tree scape 6.75cm x 2cm Houses 6.5cm x 2.5cm Santa sleigh 8cm x 2.5cm Moon 2.5cm x 2.5cm Medium star 1cm x 1cm Small star 0.5cm x 0.5cm Star cluster 2.25cm x 1cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Snowman 9.5cm x 8.25cm Penguin n4.5cm x 3.25cm Baby 2.25cm x 1.25cm It’s cold outside 3.75cm x 2cm Brrr 2cm x 1cm Swirl 7.5cm x 1.5cm Robin 1cm x 1cm Snowball 1cm x 1cm Snow 1.5cm x 1cm 4 Snowflakes (each) 1.25cm x 1.25cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Fairy 12cm x 6cm Sentiment 5.5cm x 2cm Wings (x2) 6cm x 3cm Magical Orbs 2cm x 1.5cm Orbiting Orbs 2.5cm x 2.5cm Faerie Word 3.5cm x 1.5cm Star 1cm x 1cm Moon 1cm x 1cm Star Cluster 1.5cm x 1.5cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Göße:Owl stamp 13cm x 6cm
Scribbled moon 4cm x 3.5cm
Branch 8.5cm x 2.5cm
Night Owl sentiment 4.5cm x 1cm
Let your intuition guide you 5.25cm x 2cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Measurements:Alien 9cm x 5cm
Large UFO 4.25cm x 2.25cm
Small UFO 2.5cm x 1.25cm
Planet 4.5cm x 2.5cm
Meteor 2cm x 2cm
Rays 5cm x 0.5cm
Grungy dots 1.75cm x 1.5cm
Person 1.5cm x 1cm
Out of this World 6cm x 2.5cm
Greetings Earthling 4.5cm x 2cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Musketeer collage 13.25cm x 12.5cm
Horse 8cm x 3.25cm
3 musketeers silhouette 4cm x 4cm
Renaissance element 5cm x 4.74cm
Grunge swirl 4cm x 3cm
Large fleur de lys 4cm x 3.5cm
Small fleur de lys 2.5cm x 2cm
Liberté 3.5cm x 1.5cm
Fraternité 5.5cm x 1.5cm
Egalité 3.5cm x 1.5cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Large eye collage stamp 19cm x 11.5cm
In My Mind’s Eye 5.75cm x 2.5cm
Look 4.75cm x 2cm
Have a Vision 4.5cm x 2.5cm
Imagine the Possibilities 6.5cm x 2.5cm
clear photopolymer stamps
Tulip 9cm x 3cm
Rose 10cm x 3cm
Daffodils 11cm x 7cm
Beautiful 5cm x 1.25cm
Delicate 4cm x 1cm
Flower 3.5cm x 1.25cm
Grounding line 5cm x 1cm
Diese wunderschöne Schichtungsstanze aus gebrochenem Netz verleiht Ihren Karten und Projekten eine wunderbare Textur und Dimension! Verwenden Sie es ganz oder schneiden Sie es auf, um kleinere Stücke zu verwenden.
Enthält 1 Metall-Schichtmatrize.
Großes gebrochenes Netz 13,5 cm x 11 cm [5,25 x 4,25 Zoll]
Diese fabelhaft skizzierten Tulpenstempel, wunderschöne Schrift und Stimmungen sind perfekt für Ihre Frühlingskarten und -projekte.
Enthält 8 transparente Photopolymer-Stempel.
Große Tulpe 11,5 cm x 4 cm [4,5 x 1,5 Zoll]
Große Schrift 6 cm x 6 cm [2,5 x 2,5 Zoll]
Kleine Tulpe 5,5 cm x 2 cm [2,25 x 0,75 Zoll]
Feder 4,5 cm x 1,5 cm [1,75 x 0,5 Zoll]
Blattrebe 7 cm x 1 cm [3 x 0,3 Zoll]
Neu / Life Jeweils 2,5 cm x 1 cm [1 x 0,3 Zoll]
Erdung 5 cm x 1,5 cm [1,55 x 0,5 Zoll]
Diese Grunge-Hintergrundstempel verleihen Ihren Karten und Mixed-Media-Projekten eine fantastische Textur und Interesse.
Enthält 6 transparente Photopolymer-Stempel.
Große Störung 9,5 cm x 4 cm [3,5 x 1,75 Zoll]
Große Störung 9,5 cm x 2,5 cm [3,5 x 1 Zoll]
Mittlere Störung 7 cm x 4 cm [3 x 1,5 Zoll]
Mittlere Störung 6 cm x 4 cm [2,25 x 1,5 Zoll]
Kleiner Fehler 2,5 cm x 3 cm [1,25 x 1 Zoll]
Fehlernummercode 2,5 cm x 3 cm [1,25 x 1 Zoll]
clear photopolymer stampsSea stamp 10cm x 9cm [4 x 3.5 inches]
Surfer 3cm x 2.5cm [1.25 x 1 inches]
Yacht 1.5cm x 1cm [0.5 x 0.6 inches]
Birds 1cm x 0.5cm [0.5 x 0.25 inches]
Footprints 2cm x 1cm [0.75 x 0.25 inches]
Sea spray 2cm x 2cm [0.75 x 0.75 inches]
Ride the waves 5.5cm x 1cm [2.25 x 0.5 inches]
Sit by the ocean quote 4.5cm x 2cm [1.75 x 0.75 inches
clear photopolymer stamps
Göße:Chains 9cm x 4.5cm [3 1/2? x 1 3/4?]
Triangles 5cm x 5cm [2? x 2?]
Numbers 6cm x 4cm [2 1/2? x 1 3/4?]
Shapes 9.5cm x 4cm [4? x 1 1/2?]
Hedgehog die 7cm x 4.5cm [2.75 x 1.75 inches]
Hedgehog ball die 5cm x 4.3cm [2 x 1.7 inches]
Pile of leaves die 7.5cm x 2.5cm [3 x 1 inches]
Leaf cluster die 2.75cm x 2.5cm [1 x 1 inches]
Single leaf die 2cm x 1.5cm [0.8 x 0.6 inches]
12 SchneideschablonenMartini glass 6cm x 4cm [2 1/4? x 1 1/2?]
Hurricane glass 6cm x 3cm [2 1/2? x 1 1/4?]
Hi-ball glass 6cm x 2.5cm [2 1/4? x 1?]
Umbrella 3cm x 3cm [1 1/4? x 1 1/4?]
Olives 3cm x 1cm [1 1/4? x 1/4?]
Lemon 2.5cm x 2.5cm [1? x 1?]
Strawberry / Cherry 2cm x [3/4? x 3/4?]
Raspberry / Ice / Mint 1.5cm x 1.5cm [1/2? x 1/2?]
Straw 6.5cm x 0.5cm [2 1/2? x 1/8?]
Contains 7 clear photopolymer stamps.
Time to Celebrate! 6cm x 3.5cm
It’s your Birthday! 6cm x 3.5cm
You Got This 3cm x 4cm
Sometimes life just Sucks 4.5cm x 3cm
Congrats 7.5cm x 1.5cm
I miss your Face 5.5cm x 2cm
Thank You for being You 5cm x 3.5cm
Max ist super cool, immer am Handy und liebt Kunst! Er kommt mit fantastischen Accessoire-Stempeln, schmuddeligen Hintergrundelementen und tollen Stimmungen.
Enthält 10 transparente Photopolymer-Stempel
Maximal 9 cm x 3,5 cm [3,5 x 15 Zoll]
Großer Splat 9,5 cm x 5,5 cm [3,75 x 2,25 Zoll]
Max Rocks 3,5 cm x 4 cm [1,5 x 1,75 Zoll]
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag 5 cm x 2 cm [2 x 0,75 Zoll]
Sprühtropfen 5 cm x 2,5 cm [2 x 1 Zoll]
Schädel 3 cm x 2 cm [1,2 x 0,75 Zoll]
Kette 8 cm x 1 cm [3,25 x 0,3 Zoll]
Vorhängeschloss 2 cm x 1,5 cm [0,75 x 0,6 Zoll]
Sprühdose 2 cm x 1 cm [3,75 x 2,25 Zoll]
Stern 1 cm x 1 cm [0,4 x 0,4 Zoll]
Diese fantastische Schablone aus gealterten Ziegeln erzeugt eine erstaunliche Textur und ein fantastisches Hintergrundinteresse.
Unsere Schablonen sind so dick, dass Sie unglaubliche Texturen erstellen können!
Maße: 6 x 6
Diese brillante Sternschablone ist so vielseitig! Erstellen Sie mit Tinten und Pasten fabelhafte Hintergrundmuster und wunderbare Texturen.
Unsere Schablonen sind so dick, dass Sie unglaubliche Texturen erstellen können!
Maße: 6 x 6
Diese fabelhafte, zerrissene Netzstanzform verleiht Ihren Karten und Projekten eine wunderschöne Textur und Dimension! Verwenden Sie es ganz oder schneiden Sie es auf, um kleinere Stücke zu verwenden.
Enthält 1 Metall-Schichtmatrize.
Großes zerrissenes Fischnetz 13,5 cm x 11 cm [5,25 x 4,25 Zoll]
clear photopolymer stamps
Squirrel 7.5cm x 7.5cm [3 x 3 inches]
Log 7.5cm x 2cm [3 x 0.75 inches]
Acorn sprig 4cm x 2cm [1.5 x 1 inches]
Acorn 1.5cm x 1cm [0.6 x 0.5 inches]
Running Squirrel silhouette 4cm x 2cm [1.5 x 0.75 inches]
Sitting Squirrel silhouette 2cm x 2.5cm [0.75 x 1 inches]
Leaf 2.5cm x 1.5cm [1 x 0.75 inches]
I’m nuts about you sentiment 7cm x 0.8cm [2.75 x 0.25 inches]
Share my food? sentiment 5cm x 0.8cm [2 x 0.25 inches]
You’re my kind of nutty! sentiment 7cm x 1.5cm [2 x 0.75 inches]
Are you nuts? sentiment 3cm x 1.5cm [1.25 x 0.5 inches]
Contains 9 clear photopolymer stamps.
Chandelier 6cm x 10.5cm [2.5 x 4 inches]
Large ripples circle 3.5cm x 3.5cm [1 3/4 x 1 3/4 inches]
Small circles 2.5cm x 2cm [1 x 3/4 inches]
Small circle 1.5cm x 1.5cm [1/2 x 1/2 inches]
Rays 4cm x 4cm [1.5 x 1.5 inches]
Flourish 1.8cm x 4cm [1.5 x 3/4 inches]
You light up my world 6cm x 2cm [2.5 x 3/4 inches]
Hang in there 6cm x 10.5cm [2.5 x 4 inches]
Brighter days are coming 7.5cm x 2cm [3 x 3/4 inches]
5 clear photopolymer stampsMeasurements:Large pumpkin 8.5cm x 8cm [3 1/4 x 3 inches]Small pumpkin 5cm x 5cm [2 x 2 inches]Ink splatters 4.5cm x 1cm [1 3/4 x 1/2 inches]Happy Halloween 6cm x 3cm [2 1/2 x 1 inches]Trick or Treat 7cm x 1.5cm [2 1/2 x 1/2 inches]
14,97 €*
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