Approximate Sizes: Largest Book: 7/8"w x 3 1/5"hThinnest Book: 7/16"w x 3"hShortest Book: 1/2"w x 2 1/16"h
Works great with: - A Little Help (stamp, die, combo) - Tea Cup Die - any floral stamps by Karla Jodoin
Approximate Layer Sizes:4 1/2" w x 6 1/4" h4 1/4" w x 6" h4" w x 5 3/4" h3 3/4" w x 5 1/2" h3 1/2" w x 5 1/4" h3 1/4" w x 5" h 3"w x 4 3/4" h2 3/4" w x 4 1/2" h2 1/2" w x 4 1/4" h2 1/4" w x 4" h2" w x 3 3/4" h1 3/4" w x 3 1/2" h1 1/2" w x 3 1/4" h1 1/4" w x 3" h1" w x 2 3/4" h3/4" w x 2 1/2" h1/2" w x 2 1/4" h1/4"w x 2" h
Stanz- und Prägeschablonen
Set of 6 dies. 
Approximates Sizes:Starfish: 1 7/16" w x 1 3/8" hSmall Scallop: 1/2" w x 7/16" hMedium Scallop: 3/4" w x 11/16" hLarge Scallop: 1 1/14" w x 1 1/8" h
Approximate Sizes:Small Frog: 2 1/4" w x 1 5/8" hLarge Frog: 2 11/16" w x 2 1/2" hTongues: 1 3/4" w x 7/16" hOval: 3 3/8" w x 13/16" hFly: 3/8" w x 3/8" hCrown: 1" w x 5/8" h
Set of 8 dies
Approximate Sizes:Postage: 3 1/2" w x 4 11/16" hInner Square: 3 5/16" w x 4 1/4" hLarge Circle: 2 3/8" w x 2 3/8" hSmall Circle: 1 3/4" w 1 3/4" hOval: 1 13/16" w x 15/16" hSmall Rectangle: 3/4" w x 9/16" hHeart: 7/8" w x 3/4" hShape: 3/4" w x 13/16" h